Sunday 4 November 2007


Well, this will be my first post here, so let's see how it goes.

I've had the thought of putting up a blog for a while, but I waited a while until I was sure that if I started it, it would become a habit to update, which is what I hope will happen. As a warning, however, I'll let you in on the "spoilers" of this blog:

The reason I want to start writing is because I see so much stupidity in this world. Yes, I know that is kind of obvious, but by "stupid" I mean all the stuff that people do because of everything but reason. Now there are a lot of things that people do without using reason (or logic, or common sense, or their brains, however you want to call it) like believing in conspiracy theories, or in homoeopathy, or voting for blatantly populist candidates, but there is one special thing that I consider the apex of stupidity, and that is religion. Nothing disregards reason, and logic, and evidence, and common sense more effectively than religion.

I claim that religion is evil, a blight on the human potential, that it holds us back from what we, homo sapiens, could one day achieve. This is the view that I will try to explain (through reason, logic, common sense, etc.) to you, whoever might be reading this.

Now, obviously, this is a very bold statement to make. Saying that conspiracy theories are overwhelmingly idiotic and then backing it up is enough to write volumes, but unlike conspiracy theories, religion has been around for ever and has had an enormous impact on human history. So, I wont be going any further against religion in this post. This is just a preview, a "trailer" say, of where I plan to go with this blog.

Along the way, of course, I'll probably be talking about all those other things people believe in without evidence, like conspiracy theories, or the ramblings of politicians. I'll also probably try to explain how, through reason, you can make your life a bit clearer, and enjoyable as well.

All in good time though, for now, you've been warned, and hopefully I'll see you on the next post.